Waterproofing FAQ
What is the VOC content of Hydrotech® Monolithic Membrane 6125® (MM 6125®)?
The Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content of Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125) is zero (0). MM 6125® contains no VOCs.
Can Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125) be left exposed to UV?
Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125) should never be left exposed to UV.
How long can the protection sheet over the Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125) be left exposed to UV?
The protection sheet over Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125) can be left exposed to UV for up to 30 days, 6 months, or indefinitely, depending on the protection sheet used. Hydroflex® 30 protection sheet should be covered with subsequent overburden within 30 days of installation. Hydrocap® 90 may be left exposed up to 6 months and Hydrocap 160 may be left exposed indefinitely.
What is the application temperature of Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125)?
The application temperature of Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125) is between 356 and 375 degrees F (180 - 190 degrees C). MM 6125® should be heated and melted in a rubberized asphalt melter (not a typical asphalt kettle) to the application temperature mentioned above.
Does Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125) have a cure time?
MM 6125 does not have a "cure" time. Technically, as a hot applied material, the membrane simply cools.
What is the thickness of Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 - FR (Fabric Reinforced)?
The thickness of Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 - FR is 215 mils (approx 7/32", 5.5 mm). The total thickness is composed of an initial 90 mil thick coat of MM 6125, into which is embedded a layer of spunbonded polyester, followed by a topcoat of MM 6125 at 125 mils thickness.
Can Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125- FR be submerged in water?
Yes, Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 - FR can be submerged in water. MM 6125 is a monolithically applied material that has no seams, the membrane can be in fully submerged conditions indefinitely and be fully guaranteed for watertightness.
What is the minimum slope required for Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125)?
The minimum slope required for Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125 is 0. Technically, MM 6125 is acceptable for no slope and low slope roofing applications and does not have a minimum requirement.