All This is Possible
To address the numerous conditions and configurations that can be created on a rooftop, Hydrotech offers a wide range of Protected Membrane Roof (PMR) Assemblies to choose from. These assemblies range from a typical stone ballasted PMR to others that add beauty and/or additional rooftop functionality.
The Ultimate Assembly® can create an inviting usable space for people with a wide variety of surfacing options, like concrete pavers or wood tiles for podium decks and rooftops.
The Garden Roof® Assemblies are often added to podium decks or rooftops for the beauty they offer, many times in conjunction with the Ultimate Assembly. Or, to help address the ever growing need to tackle a building site's stormwater management issues.
The Blue Roof Assemblies can provide a rooftop stormwater management solution with clear advantages over the typical methods used on the ground.
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