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Garden Roof® and Stormwater

The Hydrotech Garden Roof Assembly is an ideal BMP for stormwater management. LiteTop® engineered growing media forms the core of the Garden Roof assemblies; acting as the “sponge” to soak up stormwater to reduce and delay its entry into storm sewer systems.  Varying the depth of LiteTop – as well as the combination of the other Garden Roof components – can increase the amount of water storage in the assembly.

Using test data from all of the Hydrotech LiteTop blenders, Hydrotech can generate detailed information on the performance of the proposed Garden Roof Assembly.  The Hydrotech Hydrology Tool (HHT) can generate “what-if” scenarios for engineers and designers looking for optimized assemblies to address their stormwater management needs.  This project-specific information includes C-values, curve numbers, water storage amounts as well as data on local storm events.

For municipalities with specific formulas for determining stormwater management, Hydrotech maintains a large database on the test results for all of its LiteTop growing medias as well as its other Garden Roof components.  Engineers have used this data in preparing their specific stormwater management plans.

For information on obtaining your own, project specific HHT report or for specific LiteTop or Garden Roof component data requests, contact Hydrotech at 800-877-6125.

