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Rock Mineral Wool Assembly

Rock Mineral Wool Assembly

Garden Roof® Rock Mineral Wool Assembly

To provide enhanced stormwater capabilities and lower assembly weights, Hydrotech offers its Garden Roof Rock Mineral Wool Assembly. Originally created for its insulative qualities, rock mineral wool has long been used in the horticulture industry for growing plants. Its ability to store a great volume of water increases the stormwater capacity of a Garden Roof while keeping the overall assembly height thinner and the assembly weight to a minimum. Rock mineral wool comes in several types however Hydrotech only works with needled rock mineral wool from Knauf Insulation. Needled rock mineral wool does not have the added binders of other rock mineral wool products that can degrade and decrease its effectiveness in a short time.

Project specific test data for LiteTop® and Rock Mineral Wool is available by contacting Hydrotech at 800-877-6125.

Additional information about the Garden Roof Rock Mineral Wool Assembly, details and specifications are available for download in the Resource Center.


Rock Wool Assembly