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Hot Applied Applications

Typical Waterproofing Applications

The following depicts typical waterproofing applications where Hydrotech® Monolithic Membrane 6125® (MM 6125®) can be used.

  • Horizontal Applications... such as plazas, parking decks, tunnels, bridges and mud slabs.
  • Vertical Applications... such as foundation wall waterproofing and planters.
  • New Construction...getting it right the first time with the right product is critical. Monolithic Membrane 6125 is perfect for new construction. As a hot fluid-applied rubberized asphalt membrane, it is applied directly to the structural deck (the best place for a waterproofing membrane), it is monolithic (seamless) and bonds to a variety of substrates.
  • Renovation/Rehabilitation Work... Monolithic Membrane 6125 is extremely well suited for rehab work. In rehab work one is faced with additional challenges that typically don't present themselves in new construction. A products ability to handle the tough details can make the difference between a watertight application...and one that's not. MM 6125 and the experience of the Hydrotech technical staff can help you handle the challenges of rehab work.

Restrictions with MM 6125?

  • MM 6125 should not be used on cellular concrete or light weight insulation concrete.
  • MM 6125 is considered a "positive side" side waterproofing and should not be installed in a "negative side" application (i.e., the inside of a foundation wall).
Hydrotech Monolithic Membrane 6125
Fabric Reinforced (FR) Assembly
Vertical Waterproofing
Split Slab Construction