Seattle Justice Center
Flag as Blue Roof




Seattle Justice Center
Project Type
New Construction
City of Seattle
Hoffman Construction Company
The eventual goal is for all capital improvement projects over 5,000 square feet, whether new or renovated, to meet the LEED™ silver standard” – Lucia Athens, sustainable design and construction specialist with Seattle Public Utilities (Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, “City turns toward greener buildings”, January 31, 2000)
It’s an ambitious statement, one that was signed, with amendments, by Seattle’s Mayor Greg Nickels and implemented as the city’s Sustainable Building Policy in February 2000.
The first major project undertaken under this new policy is Seattle’s new Civic Center, a 3 block site in downtown that houses a new Justice Center and City Hall. Both structures are being heralded as important milestones, integrating sustainable technology like American Hydrotech’s Garden Roof® Assembly.
Due to its excellent storm water management and urban heat island mitigation capabilities, the Garden Roof has helped the city achieve a LEED™ silver rating. In addition, the Garden Roof will optimize the buildings’ life cycle costs, helping to lower the City’s expenditures on storm water management. And, by helping to alleviate the urban heat island effect, the Garden Roof will even help to lower cooling demands.
Because the assembly uses components like MM6125®-EV waterproof membrane and Floradrain water drainage/ retention, which contain recycled materials, the Garden Roof earns the city more LEED™ points while helping to maximize our natural resources.
Seattle’s new Civic Center is a bold leap in the right direction, thanks, in part, to Hydrotech’s commitment to innovative sustainable waterproofing/roofing assemblies.