MCI WorldCom Network Information Center
Flag as Blue Roof




MCI WorldCom Network Information Center
Completion Date
978,420 sq ft.
Project Type
New Construction
Workplace USA
Workplace USA
Varied by location
It is the rare specification that results in 9 major corporate facility projects. Written in Dallas, the MCI WorldCom spec did exactly that. From a single document, 9 web network information centers sprung - each with a Hydrotech Protected Membrane Roof (PMR).
All in major metro areas like Boston, Houston, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles, each site was purchased and a facility built within 6 months. The secret of the project's swift success was Workplace USA, the developer and architect. Close internal coordination translated into perfect symmetry - as each site was purchased, its site-specific building plan was ready for construction.
Designed as state-of-the-art facilities, durability was fundamental to success. The buildings would have to withstand the natural disasters native to the different locations, from tornadoes to earthquakes.
The challenge for Workplace USA was to evaluate products thoroughly but efficiently - especially critical systems, like the roof. After previewing the track record of Monolithic Membrane 6125® waterproofing and the Hydrotech PMR, it was clear Hydrotech products had proven their durability where it counts most - on rooftops around the globe. Hydrotech's experienced applicators and knowledgeable, accessible technical department made the building process that much easier.
From spring to winter 2000, from Miami to Seattle, Hydrotech applicators applied 9 sturdy, energy efficient Protected Membrane Roofs to MCI's new facilities.