Greenway Plaza is a busy place. Surrounded by three office buildings and a hotel, this massive 250,000+ SF plaza is the focal point for the thousands of Houston residents and tourists who work and visit here each day.
It may come as no surprise, then, that after twenty-four years, the original plaza had numerous leaks, and the concrete paving had cracked so badly, it created a “tripping hazard” – all costly burdens on the owner.
A comprehensive plaza renovation was initiated in 1999. 167,000 SF of the new plaza, American Hydrotech’s Ultimate Assembly® waterproofing and architectural paver system was installed – a clear choice given the assembly’s long and successful track record, single source warranty, and attractive colors and textures.
Fortunately for the owner and tenants below the plaza, the Ultimate Assembly is built on solid protection – Monolithic Membrane 6125® (MM6125®) waterproof membrane. A hot applied rubberized asphalt, it forms a seamless bond to the substrate and prevents the lateral migration of water at the deck level.
MM6125 was also applied in the many large planters on the new plaza – 83,000 SF in total. The membrane’s high acid resistance makes it ideal for earth-covered and Garden Roof® applications, where fertilizers loaded with potentially harmful acids are rendered harmless.
Thanks in part to MM6125 and the Ultimate Assembly, the Greenway Plaza renovation was a huge success – a beautiful new space that’s safe and low maintenance.