The First Church of Christ, Scientists is a unique Monolithic Membrane 6125® application where the water feature was waterproofed with the standard MM6125® fabric-reinforced assembly, filled with water to create the reflecting pool, and more than 50 years later the membrane has been performing in a continually submerged condition since 1971. As a monolithically applied material that has no seams, the membrane is designed to be in fully submerged conditions indefinitely and be guaranteed for watertightness.
In addition to the reflecting pool, the surrounding three buildings also used MM6125 as their waterproofing membrane of choice, placing insulation and gravel ballast as overburden, creating a Protected Membrane Roof Assembly. This project totals 400,000 square feet with the majority being the reflective pool, which is still waterproofed with MM6125.
This project highlights Monolithic Membrane 6125’s ability to protect zero slope applications for the life of a structure and has led to opportunities for Hydrotech to develop assemblies addressing stormwater detention solutions.