The Embassy of the United States of America
Flag as Blue Roof




The Embassy of the United States of America
United States Government, Department of State
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Embassy construction is intense, especially when it comes to security. The design and site are guarded with systems that grant credibility to Hollywood’s illicit entry scenes. Every flinch is recorded on tape, identification checked and re-checked, confidentiality agreements secured, cameras and cell phones taken.
Perhaps then it is not surprising that the architects hired to design embassies approach the building product selection process with the same scrutiny the guards show to site visitors. Product choices like waterproofing and roofing are evaluated at length. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), whose excellent reputation is universally recognized, chose Hydrotech’s MM6125® waterproofing for The Embassy in Ottawa, Canada. After all, Hydrotech waterproofing and/or roofing systems had been applied on 253 of SOM’s completed projects.
MM6125’s excellent track record, superior crack bridging ability and thick, seamless application provided the durability and performance the project required. And because most Hydrotech applicators have been applying our assemblies for years, the quality of our products is carried through to the field.
Hydrotech’s commitment to quality even includes technical assistance and a single-source warranty program - the combination needed to lock up a project as closely guarded as this one. And the results are not only secure, they’re quite beautiful.